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Slasher Forest

Animal Extinction

Fright for Future Map (1).png

Can you spot the gorilla?

Our cell phones today contain a mineral in them called Coltan which is mined in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This mining operation impedes native gorilla habitat in the Congo, and gorillas are being slaughtered by the miners for meat to eat as the area being mined is quite desolate. 


Do you notice the feet and left hand of the gorilla are missing?

Poachers kill gorillas for their meat and sever the hands and feet for souvenirs which are used by traditional healers and witchdoctors.


What can you do?

  • Recycle your cell phone

  • Try to not buy the latest phone every time an upgraded version becomes available.

  • Support the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund



Interactive Activity

Turn on the flashlight on your phone and check out the coffin of animals that will soon be extinct. Read the cards and learn why. All the animals on the gravestones are already extinct. 


Over 37,400 species are listed as threatened with extinction in the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)


  • We are currently in our 6th mass extinction.

  • Since 1870 we have wiped out 60 percent of animals on Earth.

- Eating Our Way to Extinction Documentary


Can you spot the orangutan holding a candy bar?


Indonesia's tropical forests (Sumatra and Borneo) are being burned down to grow palm trees for palm oil. “Palm oil is one of the key drivers of rainforest and tropical deforestation worldwide.” – Climate Reality Project

This destruction is harming Orangutans along with other wildlife. "50,000 orangutans died as a result of palm oil deforestation in the last 2 decades." –

Palm oil is an ingredient found in half of all supermarket products. – The Orangutan Project

This includes most Halloween candies such as; Twix, Butterfinger, Almond Joy, Snickers, and Milky Way. There are many more products containing palm oil in stores such as in cosmetics, lotion, detergent, frozen pizza, margarine, etc.


What can you do?

  • Don't purchase products that contain palm oil.

  • Urge companies to stop using palm oil in their products.

  • Support these organizations:


Orangutan Alliance 


Orangutan Foundation International


The Orangutan Project


Orangutan Information Centre

Scary Fact (5 x 7 in).png


Grab a Palm Oil free and vegan candy! 

Watch these documentaries to learn more!​

Read this book!

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