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Butcher Shop

Animal Rights

As a consumer, it is your right to know what you are consuming and how it’s being produced.

However, the meat industry has put laws in place to make sure that the consumer is kept in the dark with what goes on behind the scenes. This is what really goes on behind closed doors. 

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What can you do?

Go vegan by not eating meat or dairy products.

Watch these documentaries to learn more!​

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  • Female Pigs are Forcefully Impregnated by Artificial Insemination.

  • Most breeding pigs spend all of their time confined in stalls made of metal bars and only slightly larger than the pigs themselves.

  • Pregnant sows live directly above their own decomposing waste, exposed to high levels of ammonia. Deprived of the ability to nuzzle her piglets or even turn around to see, she has enough room only to stand and lie down.

  • These naturally curious and intelligent animals live out their lives in a cycle of pregnancy, birth, and nursing until they are eventually sent to slaughter.

  • Piglets are castrated and Tail-Docked. Because tail-biting is a common behavior in captive environments and can lead to injury and infection, most three week old piglets have a portion of their tails sheared off. Pain relief is rarely provide.

  • The nation’s pig farms produce the equivalent weight of 2.5 Golden Gate Bridges or 5,100 Titanics, of excrement a year. The disposal of this excrement has toxic effects on workers, local residents, their water supply.

  • Pigs are mutilated and slaughtered on an enormous scale.


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Cows for Meat and Dairy

  • Cows used to produce dairy milk spend their lives in constant cycles of pregnancy, artificial inseminations, giving birth and having their calves removed.

  • Calves born in the dairy industry are detached from their mothers within hours of birth. Such separation, and lack of nutrients from their mother’s milk, will often cause calves to become sick, eat less, lose weight, and cry so much that their throats become raw and inflamed.

  • In 2019, 33 million cows were slaughtered for beef in the US.

  • Millions of male calves, because they can’t produce milk, are sold to be raised and slaughtered for beef, and hundreds of thousands of others are destined for earlier deaths to be sold as veal (the meat of young calves).

  • Castration is thought to improve meat quality, so male calves are most often castrated. Farms inject dairy cows with bovine growth hormone (BGH), a genetically-engineered hormone that has been shown to increase the risk of health problems. 

  • Nearly all cows used for dairy in the U.S. are eventually killed for human consumption at around 4 to 5 years of age, in natural conditions, cows can live 20 to 25 years.

  • Cows in the meat industry are sent to slaughter when they reach a sufficient “market weight”, usually before 3 years of age. Some animals are still conscious when their throats are cut.

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Did you know?

  • COVID-19 likely came from human use of animals, but there have been many other zoonotic (illness that can be transmitted between animals and humans) outbreaks such as those of ebola, SARS and HIV.

  • Antibiotics are given to farmed animals in an attempt to prevent the spread of illness and to promote growth to maximize meat production and profit, yet their overuse is now linked to a rise in antibiotic resistance, a condition that leaves people vulnerable to bacterial infections that can't be treated with medications.

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